Why the Bible Embraces Suffering (And Why You Should Too)

Suffering and Lamentations

In our modern pursuit of happiness, we seem to have forgotten one undeniable truth: Life is hard. We avoid suffering at all costs, numbing ourselves with distractions, self-medication, and a relentless drive toward comfort. But if we look at the Bible, we see a different story.

Rarely do we read narratives filled only with joy and ease. Instead, the Bible is a tapestry of brokenness, pain, and perseverance.

  • Job loses everything

  • David spends years hiding in caves

  • Paul endures beatings, shipwrecks, and prison cells.

These stories don’t shy away from suffering — they embrace it. Why?

God Doesn’t Promise Safety, He Promises Security

We live in a world where safety has become an idol. We believe the lie that if we could just control enough of our environment, if we could just eliminate every possible risk, we’d find peace. But the Bible offers a profound counter-narrative: God doesn’t promise safety. He promises security.

There’s a difference. Safety is circumstantial — it’s about avoiding danger, pain, or discomfort. Security, on the other hand, is rooted in something deeper. It’s the assurance that no matter what trials we face, God is sovereign, and His plan is unshakeable. It’s the quiet confidence that, as Timothy Keller often pointed out, we are more flawed and sinful than we ever dared believe, yet more loved and accepted than we ever dared hope.


Expect suffering in this life, and beauty in His resurrection.